Tuesday 5 July 2011


Hello there everybody!

This is the first post of the Brasil Sweets new blog!
You might be wondering what Brasil Sweets is all about? Well the answer is that this blog is to update you guys on what is going on with us here at Brasil Sweets and to give you a little bit more information on our products!

We make and sell home-made traditional Brazilian sweets like the BRIGADEIRO (bree - gah - day - ru)and its variations... we cater for functions and private events in and around Melbourne to make your party an unforgettable and sweet experience!
Brasil Sweets are also perfect gift ideas that will suit any occasion with our beautiful gift boxes and baskets with a touch of Brazilian style that will leave everybody wanting more!

We are always adding and updating Brasil Sweets with new ideas and products so make sure to check the blog regularly for updates or why not become our follower?
Here is a little preview of whats to come from Brasil Sweets:

Make sure to leave comments bellow on what you think about the blog and our products! We would love to hear from you and we will suit our products to your every need!

the Brasil Sweets team.


  1. Hi Guys purchased your sweets at the festival they are fantastic a taste of Brasil looking forward to purchasing more soon a great new product for a sweet tooth like me keep up the great work Regards John

  2. Ha! I was at th Brazilian festival, the sweets were awesome!! great experience for people who are tired of the usual things we get here in Australia, great for small parties with kids!

  3. Ola!!! nossa estou vendo o seu blog e quase comendo a tela aqui kkkk, muito lindos os seus docinhos e parecem estar muito gostosos tb... te mandei um e-mail gostaria de encomendar aquela caixinha para presente e gostaria de saber informacoes como preco e entrega. Ah outra perguntinha esse confeito de bolinhas vc importou do Brasil???
